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Thai Style Salmon Burgers - 2 pack


$15.99 8 ounces

9 left

100% Wild Caught Copper River Sockeye Salmon Thai Style Burger Patties. Approximately 8 oz of Copper River Sockeye Salmon Burger Patties. Each Thai Style Copper River Salmon Burgers order contains 2 x 4 oz burger patties. Sockeye salmon, also called Red Salmon, are highly prized for their rich flavor, deep red-orange color, superb quality, and high oil content.

Product Ships Frozen

Raw product. Must be fully cooked before consumption.

salmon, zucchini, red bell pepper, sweet chili sauce, panko, soy sauce, cilantro, green onions, ginger puree, garlic puree, carrageenan.

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